Thursday, August 5, 2010

South of the Border, Dillion SC

We like to stop here. It's really a cool place.


Here are some pictures of our Bear. We had him since he was a small little baby pup and he has turned into one handsome fella.

Trish with Misty

Here is Trish with my sister's greyhound Misty.

    Trish and Misty.

Everything Greyhound Message Board

We are now up on a new server host. We are looking for new members to join this fun and friendly forum.
Here is our link:  Everything Greyhound

We hope to see you there.

Our greys sleeping

Our greys sleeping on their dog beds.

    Lincoln sleeping with his tongue out.

    Bear and Suzy sleeping.


Dog Food Recall

P&G Expands Voluntary Limited Recall of Specialized Dry Pet Foods
Due to Possible Health Risk

Dog Recall

Greyhound Training Information

This is good information for us all, esp neebie greyhound owners.

The most effective way to train your Greyhound is to join a basic obedience group class. These are inexpensive and fun. Use your safety collar/humane choke or a nylon choker. Please do not use a metal choker on a Greyhound as this could damage their throat and thin skin. There are always exceptions to the rule and some Greyhounds will require a chain choke and in the very extreme case a pinch collar to gain control. Please use these only under the supervision of an obedience trainer.

The following are some training insights on Greyhounds:

Sitting - Greyhounds do not like to sit, because their long backs and well-developed muscles make this an uncomfortable position for them. Coming close is good!! Doing it is great!!! ( I see alot that do sit with no problem)

Recall - Greyhounds can be taught to come when called. But do not ever be fooled into thinking they will come every time you call them (this applies to all breeds). No dog can be trusted to respond 100% of the time.
Very Important point.

Praise - Greyhounds respond very well to praise. This praise should always be verbal, accompanied by physical patting and/or a treat. The verbal praise should be done in a high pitch voice. Also, dogs do read facial expressions, so smile when your dog does well and frown when it could have been done better. Use a small piece of a treat as a reward for desired behavior..

Reprimands - They should always be done in a low pitched voice. The command should be NO!!! This will be sufficient to train any Greyhound. Remember hitting teaches a dog aggression.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Summer weather

With summer weather coming and warmer temperatures, make sure your pups has lots of water and limit outdoor activities when the temp gets real high.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


We had a great time last Saturday at Grapehounds in Leesburg, VA. Here are some pictures.

Our booth.

Other vendors setting up.

Our items.

We were right by the lake.

Another view.

Some hounds in the babysitting area.

More hounds.

This pup was a real kisser.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Greyhounds Invade Gettysburg, PA

Had a great time at GIG. Here are some pictures.

    Trish at our booth.


    Some shoppers and pups.


    More folks

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Florida Pictures

Some Florida trip pictures.

   Our friend Cathie and Ethan.

    Our guys playing.

    Paisley got her spot on the bed.

   Our pups.

   Suzy and Milky comfy.

    Milky dreaming of all the fun she had.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Greyhounds Invade Gettysburg

This weekend is Greyhounds Invade Gettysburg, PA( April 23-25). It's a fun weekend to bring your greyhounds, there will be lots of vendors and food and activities.
Hope to see you there and stop by our booth Milkygreytgoodies.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Win a Racing Greyhound

Win a Racing Greyhound!
For only Ten Dollars you can purchase a chance to win your own racing greyhound!
Check the link for details


Here are some pictures of  Ike (Pak Iron Ike). Could be our future new greyhound.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Vanilla Ice Cream treats was loved by all of our pups.

 Licking good says Lincoln.



Get that last bit off Paisley.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Jacksonville, FL Zoo

We got to go the the zoo. It was awesome.

American Bald Eagle



Close up

Trish with a bird on her shoulder.
